I recently posted this picture as a writing prompt. The only thing I could come up with is the story below. How about you? Does it spur any words of wisdom or creativity?

“Hey, Penny!”
“It’s time to go, the boss is coming. We got a trail ride, yippee!”
“You must be new around here. When you see the boss that just means you got another hour to wait around. Now see here, newbie, I’m gonna just sit right here and wait until someone grabs my reins and pulls me up. You’ll figure it out soon enough after you’ve done a dozen or so trails into the hill country.”
“Well, I can’t wait. I hope I get a fun person to ride me.”
Penny laughs and mutters, “I hope you get a young whippersnapper that kicks your sides all over the mountain.”
“What did you say, Penny?”
“Nothin’, kid. Keep your spirits up and you’ll be just fine. I bet you get a wonderful rider.”
“You getting up now, Penny?”
“No, you go on. Go over there with those other young bucks. I need some more beauty rest.”