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Working Again - at a Library, Yeah!

Writer: Sonja McGiboneySonja McGiboney

I am now a substitute librarian for the Blackwater Regional Library system. I work very few hours and can say yes or no when they call. If anyone is interested, they do have some part-time and full-time positions open.

While my brain says, "get one of those jobs" I love the flexibility I have as a substitute. I'm still working on not arriving thirty minutes early when the library is a ten-minute walk from my house. I'm still working on getting stuff done before I go and not putting it off until later (what if I get too involved and end up being late?) that has happened. I totally skipped a critique zoom meeting because I was working on a book. My mind zeros in on one thing and nothing else can get in.

Anyway, it's all an excuse to say that I haven't written a thing in five days. Maybe getting my first COVID-19 vaccine could be an excuse too. Yeah, I'll blame it. The worry that something will go wrong before the shot, then the fear that the things I felt were the beginning of the end. Turns out it was probably my allergies.

Check out the library website, there is more than just employment available. There are books and movies you can download. There are courses you can take. There are practice tests. So much, just take a look.


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