I have no problem caring for a relative who is on Hospice. I'm a storming dragon when my family is under assault. I will fight demons and all other manners of monsters to protect those I love.
I am so afraid of taxes...... so afraid that I ended my photography business. I had been selling books as a product of my photography so all my old books belong to that business.
I have to dive in again if I want to sell books as an author. So I'm starting a new author business.
It's all so convoluted: Taxes get you in all directions. To avoid having to pay sales tax, I now sell my books, via IngramSpark distribution, on online platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble. (sorry, I caved, they make it much easier) BUT I want to do a book promo/launch in my hometown and ergo....I'll need to sell books and ....Barf!$#$^# I'll have to charge sales tax.
In the end, after taxes (and that includes the medicare taxes I have to pay on my income tax returns) and fees and percentages and website hosting, and advertising, and anything else I have to pay to make a go of it while making my books affordable, I probably net $1.00 per book.
So.....if you wanna help me, share my books. Tell all your friends... I might someday make a living at it but for now, I have a supportive and loving husband who lets me go down the start-up rabbit hole again!!!