My attitute towards weight loss has always been one of, "There's always tomorrow." But, that, my friends does not work. Last year, before my daughter's wedding, I religiously kept to a carb-free (and I mean totally carb-free) diet and lost about 35 pounds between May and October.
I had a goal and the mental capacity to do it. Once the wedding ended, I ate a piece of cheesecake. I found a long-lost friend. Me and all my lost friends decided to partyt almost every day.
Now, back at my pre-carb weight (and I'll admit a little more than before.) I have to do something. I know that. My head keeps telling me that. But then my head also says, "Just one more, it won't hurt... you're going to excercise, right?"
My head is not my friend. I woke up this morning thinking about that old phrase, "You are what you eat." Well, here's how my mind justified it all.
I eat licorice. Licorice is thin and sweet. Ergo, I am thin and sweet.
I eat applie pie. Its crust is bronzed and insides are sweet. Then I must be sweet and beautiful.
Potato chips are thin, salty and crispy. I am just like a potatoe chip.
Ha ha ha ha.. you see, my mind is not my friend. I can rationalize anything. So how will I trick my mind in to eating what's healthy? It will be hard. Have you seen the lettuce they sell in stores, it's wiltingly bruised. I don't wanna be that way.
And you can't eat a salad naked. It always needs dressing. I can't be naked.
Goodness, my head needs to stop twisting things around. Maybe I should look at excercise and not food.
I excercise when I walk Jazzy. But poor Jazzy, she hates walking for walking's sake. She'll go about 7/10ths of a mile, at a snails pace because she needs to sniff everything. Sometimes I wonder, is that really Jazzy being so lazy or is it me projedcting my hatred of all things excercise onto her.
See, the mind is telling me I hate excercise. I got to fix that. Maybe if I look in the mirror every day and say, "I love getting sweaty, pushing my heart until I'm ready to collapse (that doesn't take much effort.) and wearing tight fitting clothes that show every fat buldge and wrinkle." Maybe then, I'll convince my head to do something.
Nope, I don't think that will work. I need an internal goal and I need to hold myself accountable to that goal. But if I don't tell anyone I have a goal.... nope, that's my stupid mind again. My fickel mind betraying my true desires. I am going to fix that mind of mine by announcing my goal.
I will excercise every day!
(Note, in the back of my head, I can hear the voice adding, "Until Thanksgiving cheesecake."