I entered two short story contests. When I say short, I mean, short. I didn't win the Valentine one and I just entered the 50 precious words contest which already has more entries that are better than mine. But, they are cute stories and I thought I'd share.
The Valentiny contest, sponsored by Susanna Leonard Hill , had a max word count of 214, had to be for children, show worry, and be Valentine themed.
Cupcakes and Slobbery Kisses
Barnaby licked his lips, sniffed the cinnamon hearts that topped the pink cupcakes, then shook his head and stepped away. Oh my, what’s taking him so long?
“Hup, two, three, four.” A line of ants marched toward the cupcakes.
Barnaby put out his paw and barked, “Stop, you can’t eat the cupcakes!”
The lead ant stopped. The other ants crashed into each other. “Why not?”
“Because why?”
“Because, I promised Joey.”
“Fine.” As they walked by, drool fell like raindrops onto the ants.
Barnaby’s tummy growled and he tucked his tail. Where is Joey?
He stepped closer and took another sniff. His tongue flapped around with hope. Drool poured everywhere. Joey wouldn’t notice a small piece missing if I just took it from the bottom.
Drool splashed as Barnaby shook his head. No
“Barnaby!” a familiar, loving voice called.
Joey! Barnaby forgot all about the cupcakes. He ran to Joey and pounced, knocking them both to the ground, then he covered Joey’s face with slobbery kisses.
"I wasn't gone for that long, was I?" Joey laughed.
After untangling himself from Barnaby’s hug, Joey walked to the picnic blanket where he saw the cupcakes. "Barnaby, what a good dog. Love you, bud."
Barnaby wagged, the whole-body kind of wag. I love you too, Joey.
The 50 Precious Words Contest sponsored by Vivian Kirkfield, has a 50 word limit and must be for a child aged 12 and under. No other theme restrictions.
Friendship Begins
Naomi wanted to play with Jenny.
Jenny said hello while other kids laughed.
Naomi stepped forward, but her voice disappeared, her body quivered, and she stepped back.
A ball flew.
She won’t see it.
Naomi jumped from her safe place and blocked it.
Jenny turned and smiled. “Let’s play, Naomi.”