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Self-Publishing, Oh Veh!

Writer: Sonja McGiboneySonja McGiboney

Self-Publishing or, as others call it, being an Independent Author, has its ups and downs. In the last four years, I have learned much about the publishing world.

Can I say that I am the author of 11 published books? Yes, I can! I'm proud of my accomplishments, but guess what, I'm doing them all over again, properly this time.

There is a reason why traditionally published books take so much time from submission acceptance to book on the shelf. It's the hours and hours of volleying between the agent, editor, author, and illustrator, over every word, phrase, picture, or color, that makes a book great.

All too often, and this is me with all my books prior to 2021, a writer gets frustrated with the query process and decides to publish on their own without going through the back and forth editing process that traditional books experience. Some authors are wonderful editors and illustrators and can get it right the first time. Me... well let us say I wish I had more people looking at my books before I printed them.

Now that I have a group of people who are willing to help me critique my stuff, I'm constantly changing things. Now I have another problem. When is the book done? When do I stop being so picky about details that I let it go. Oh Veh, the pangs of self-publishing and this is even before my book is in print.

But at least I know that it will be the best product I can put out there.


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