Brave Bunny
Brave Bunny By Sonja McGiboney To Dominique, Thanks for asking about my other stories. Love Sonja McGiboney I am a bunny, the bravest of all When a wolf came to eat me, I stood up tall. I pounded my feet and I wiggled my ears I told that wolf, “I have nothing to fear!” The wolf just laughed and with a sharp, toothy leer Let out a howl with a meaning quite clear That’s when I knew that being bold and brave Is not very wise when it’s my life I’ll save So I turned and ran as fast as I could. To my home in the meadow, deep into the wood. It matters not if I’m the bravest around, “Cause being brave with a wolf, is not very sound. I am a bunny, the cutest of all I think I’ll settle for being cuddly and small. Copyright 2002 by Sonja McGiboney