Writer's Digest February Flash Fiction Challenge Day 13
How’s the weather where you are? Let’s use that as inspiration. Today, let’s write about something that includes weather.
It grew. The electricity burning in his veins. His blood boiled as it pulsed in his body. From deep within him the storm rose.
“It’s coming!” he yelled.
Everyone was waiting, watching.
“Brup!” A puff of smoke flittered into the air.
Bert looked around in utter embarrassment as his family tried to hide their laughter.
His Mom put her scaly wings around him. She had painted her talons pink today. “It’s okay Bert. You’ll get it someday.”
“But Mom, it was there. I felt it. Why didn’t it come out?”
Brother Drake blew a long steady breath of fire into the air. “It’s easy Bert. You just got to practice.”
Sister Sapphire pulled a glowing ball of fire from her cheeks and tossed it into the air. It glowed round and beautiful until she hit it with a spit of fire. It exploded into dust. “It would help if you would learn to think like a dragon.”
“I am trying.” Bert cried.
Drake sighed, “Little brother, you’ll need to act more like a dragon. Dragons do not let prey go free just because they asked nicely. Dragons don’t help lost puppies and dragons don’t help humans.”
“Children, quit pestering Bert. He will figure it out when he is read.” Mom shoved Bert in the direction of the forest. “Go find something to eat and you’ll feel better.”
Bert folded his wings and dragged his tale into the forest. He walked along the dragon trail for over two miles pondering what his brother and sister said to him. “Why shouldn’t I help them?” Bert wondered.
Rain started to fall. Soon, buckets of water were pouring from the sky. The clouds converged and thunder began a low grumble. Bert could see the lighting spears getting longer. He didn’t care.
Bert closed his eyes and spread his wings. He let the storm wash over him. He was almost lost in it when he heard a loud “crack!”
Animals began to scream. Bert opened his eyes and saw a baby bear caught in some vines. A huge tree had been struck by the lighting and was falling, it’s path headed straight for the cub.
Bert didn’t even think. He ran forward and with all his energy, inhaled and blew. The fire raged from him hitting the tree halfway to the earth. The tree exploded into thousands of little pieces, like shooting stars in the skies.
The lighting dissipated. The rain slowed. The mother bear roared, helped her cub out of the vines and took off.
Bert smiled. What a great storm that was.