I've been on some treasure hunts recently. Yep, me and my magnet and a really long rope have pulled up several treasures from the river bottom. Three knives, some type of crab cage, a 2 1/2 foot pipe, several fishing hooks, weights and eyelets, nails, drill bits and a bobby pin. One of the knives had barnacles covering the handle.
The kind fishermen who were not catching anything, were happy to get some of the fishing supplied I found.
Unfortunately, I didn't check my equipment before throwing it in one last time tonight. The screw came loose, thus casting my magnet into the river. Perhaps I can find it again some day.
I bought a kit which contained the magnet (550lbs), rope, and gloves. Gloves are a definite necessity as you end up drudging up a lot of the river bottom with the treasures.
My goal, after we've finished paying off the siding and some other bills, is to get a kayak and search in the middle of the river. What fun.
