I just read a fantasy, magic story that involved four different worlds. It is called Chronomancer and the Time God: Death of a Paradise, by James J Meadows III. It's a great adventure story. The four worlds were: One of laws, one of no laws, one of magic and one of neutrality. In the book, I most often sided with the neutral character.
It struck me that, though I could see logic in each of the world's beliefs, I couldn't agree 100% with any of them. I am a stem in society. I stand straight, honest, compassionate and help others. I see the leaves and the flower. I see how they all need to stay on the stem to live in harmony. But I also see the weather change and the leaves fall and new growth the following season.
What led me to the conclusion that I am in the middle, is the recent movement to take down monuments to egregious acts from the past. I certainly can understand that. I wish they would do it without all the graffiti and violence, but perhaps that way doesn't work. Perhaps they can re purpose the metal or stones, find a sculptor who can make a new monument to peace and justice from the ashes. A phoenix of monuments.
I just photographed a wedding at the Monticello Estate. It's a beautiful place. It is a monument to Thomas Jefferson who did many wonderful things for this country.
But he was also a slave owner. Does this mean that one day Monticello will be a target of the removal of monuments? While I understand why it's being done, I hate to think of this beautiful place being removed.
I'm in the middle, see. I see both sides.