If you ask someone if they believe in ghosts you’ll get one of two reactions. “No way. Do you?” would be the first and the second would be something like, “Perhaps, have you spotted a ghost recently?”

While I have never spotted a ghost, I will admit to being slightly frightened, hair raising scared, skin crawling on my neck kind of creepy, with the movement of things, like curtains or tree branches in the dark. It’s especially frightening after watching a scary movie or telling ghost stories around a campfire.
Growing up in a small town, we all knew each other. One of the houses on our street sat vacant for a while. Rumors abounded. But one day, I got the courage, (or I feared for my life if I didn’t do it,) to enter this vacant house, walk up the stairs, stare into the toilet, and say, “There’s no such thing as ghosts,” three times. By the second repetition, I swore that the clear water turned blue, the porcelain cracked and it moaned. I ran out of the house before I made it to the third repetition.
Our minds are muscles that can stretch the imagination, awareness, and rational thinking to the extremes. If you look into a dark closet long enough or think that there could be monsters under the bed, you might just see some.
What kind of ghosts have you seen in your life?