Writing Organizations in Alabama
Alabama State Poetry Society
Founded in 1968, ASPS continues to encourage poets and to provide them with opportunities for sharing and growing. ASPS sponsors contests as well as Spring and Fall meetings where poets can meet.
Huntsville, AL
Alabama Writers' Cooperative
Writers, aspiring writers, publishers, and members of the literary community are welcome to join. Sharing information, developing ideas, honing skills, and receiving practical advice are hallmarks of the annual meeting.
The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators provides the resources, professional networking, and community-building opportunities that support writers, illustrators, and translators throughout their careers.
Southern Breeze (Alabama, Georgia, and Florida panhandle)
Alabama Writers Forum
A partnership with the AL State Council on the Arts to cultivate literary culture through supporting writers at all stages, with emphasis on literary arts education programs for young writers.
Montgomery, AL
National League of American Pen Women, Inc
Founded in 1897, the National League of American Pen Women, Inc. (NLAPW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports and promotes professional women in arts, letters, music, and allied professions.
Birmingham, AL & Huntsville AL
Websites/ Blogs/ Newsletters That Teach
Alabama State Poetry Society
Founded in 1968, ASPS continues to encourage poets and to provide them with opportunities for sharing and growing.
Jane Friedman
Honest and unbiased guidance to make the best decisions for writers.
Connects authors with publishing professionals. Has classes and offers an online writing platform.
Southeastern Book Events
A comprehensive list of author signings and book events in the Southeastern United States .
Writers Digest
Online community with many different articles and resources for writers.
Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)
Blog & site of children's book author Tara Lazar.
Websites/ Blogs/ Newsletters
Writing for Kids (While Raising Them)
Nathan Bransford has tons of good articles about writing. https://nathanbransford.com/
Jane Friedman has a lot of information about publishing and writing. https://janefriedman.com/
Check out her “Who you can trust” Resources page. https://janefriedman.com/resources/
Reedsy has resources for writing manuscripts online, for finding editors, illustrators etc. https://reedsy.com/ They have monthly presentations on many subjects about writing and publishing.
Writers Digest is an online community with many different articles and resources for writers. https://www.writersdigest.com/
Southeastern Book Events: A comprehensive list of author signings and book events in the Southeastern United States so that you don't miss your favorite author who might only be a 2-hour drive away!